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struct WeightedEdge(T) include Comparable(WeightedEdge(T)) property to : Int32, cost : T def initialize(@to, @cost : T) end def <=>(other : WeightedEdge(T)) {cost, to} <=> {other.cost,} end def to_s(io) : Nil io << '(' << to << ", " << cost << ')' end def inspect(io) : Nil io << "->" << to << '(' << cost << ')' end end struct WeightedEdge2(T) include Comparable(WeightedEdge2(T)) property from : Int32, to : Int32, cost : T def initialize(@from, @to, @cost : T) end def initialize(@from, edge : WeightedEdge(T)) @to, @cost =, edge.cost end def <=>(other : WeightedEdge2(T)) {cost, from, to} <=> {other.cost, other.from,} end def reverse : self WeightedEdge2(T).new(to, from, cost) end def sort : self WeightedEdge2(T).new(*{to, from}.minmax, cost) end def to_s(io) : Nil io << '(' << from << ", " << to << ", " << cost << ')' end def inspect(io) : Nil io << from << "->" << to << '(' << cost << ')' end end struct UnweightedEdge property to : Int32 def initialize(@to) end def initialize(@to, cost) end def cost : Int32 1 end def to_s(io) : Nil io << to end def inspect(io) : Nil io << "->" << to end end struct UnweightedEdge2 property from : Int32, to : Int32 def initialize(@from, @to) end def initialize(@from, @to, cost) end def initialize(@from, edge : UnweightedEdge) @to = end def cost : Int32 1 end def reverse : self, from) end def sort : self*{to, from}.minmax) end def to_s(io) : Nil io << '(' << from << ", " << to << ')' end def inspect(io) : Nil io << from << "->" << to end end