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struct Int private class CombinationIterator(T, U) include Iterator(T) @combination : T def initialize(@n : T, @k : U) @combination = ( << @k) - 1 @first = true end def next if @first @first = false @combination else x = @combination & -@combination y = @combination + x @combination = ((@combination & ~y) // x >> 1) | y @combination < ( << @n) ? @combination : stop end end end # Returns an iterator that returns all integers whose bit_length is *n* and popcount is *k*. # # ``` # Int.each_combination(3, 2).to_a # => [0b011, 0b101, 0b110] # ``` def self.each_combination(n : Int, k : Int), k) end # Calls the given block for each integer whose bit_length is *n* and popcount is *k*. # # ``` # # x = 0b011, 0b101, 0b110 # Int.each_combination(3, 2) { |x| } # ``` def self.each_combination(n : Int, k : Int, &) : Nil combination = ( << k) - 1 while combination < ( << n) yield combination x = combination & (-combination) y = combination + x combination = ((combination & ~y) // x >> 1) | y end end end